Funny Status Messages and Tweets

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   messageicon Anyone want to bet we dont see much out of BLM anymore?
←Rate | 11-11-2016 19:33 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm kind of disappointed Hillary won't be President. Woulda been interesting to have a First Man as the spouse and even more interesting stories about what happens under Hillary's desk.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 19:23 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey ... If you want to stop all of these Protests and Riots .... Just start playing the National Anthem .... They will all either sit down or take a knee.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 19:17 Comments (0)  

   messageicon President Trump shouldn't send Hillary Clinton to prison... He should appoint her as the Ambassador of Libya... You broke it, you bought it!!
←Rate | 11-11-2016 18:53 by M.J. Comments (0)  

   messageicon Oh! What a proud time in American. Everyone in the world have seen the First Lady of the "Greatest Country of the World" naked. How is this making "America Great" again?
←Rate | 11-11-2016 16:51 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Melania Trump will be the first foreign-born First Lady. Trump is correct, all the American jobs are going to immigrants!
←Rate | 11-11-2016 16:37 Comments (2)  

   messageicon You think we have a problem with immigrants now? Wait until all the hoes of the world find out that they too can be The First Lady no matter what they have done.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 16:08 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump's wives are proof that you do need immigrants for jobs that American's don't want to do.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 15:53 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Forget graduating from college, just pose nude, marry rich and you too can be The First Lady!
←Rate | 11-11-2016 15:27 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Now the kkk want a parade.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 15:13 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear Rioters, This is not Toys R Us where you can throw a fit in the aisle until you get the toy you want. This is an ELECTION. Hillary LOST. Chanting Fu#k Trump and burning flags WILL NOT change that. You are only proving WHY t
←Rate | 11-11-2016 14:43 by Mickey Comments (0)  

   messageicon What a great day to be alive and an American on this day of Remberance and Honor of the Men and Women who answered the call of duty and the sacrifices they have made to keep us free., thank you and know this we will never forget, we will never surrender
←Rate | 11-11-2016 14:30 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump is realising that words really do matter. He is becoming more Presidential by the day.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 14:17 Comments (0)  

   messageicon It seems Michael Moore attained, at least partially, one of the two things he desperately needs, which is humility. We can only hope the other will soon be forthcoming....a bath.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 13:34 by Fazzella Comments (0)  

   messageicon All Trump has to do is legalize weed and all them protesters will be like,"he ain't that bad after all." :)
←Rate | 11-11-2016 10:04 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Thank you President Elect Trump for your Service in the Military on this Veterans Day.....oh......
←Rate | 11-11-2016 08:04 Comments (4)  

   messageicon Trump wins and farmers get scarily closer to their doeling goats all over the midwest
←Rate | 11-11-2016 06:27 Comments (0)  

   messageicon America: love it or leave it. L left.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 06:21 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I have a good idea. Instead of spraying a fire hose on protesters, bring out the flame throwers...
←Rate | 11-11-2016 01:42 by JAB Comments (2)  

   messageicon The ole saying is: if you can't beat em join em, but don't join the stupid liberals protesting. . .
←Rate | 11-11-2016 01:22 by JAB Comments (0)  

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