Justathought Funny Status Messages
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Society is going to judge you anyway, so do what makes you happy.
The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it.
Karma has no menu. You're served what your deserve
Great thing take time, be patient, they will happen.
I rather be tired from working than to be broke.
Don't change to get people to like you. Be your self and they will respect you.
One day you'll just be a memory. So make it a good one.
If you're always concern about the opinion people have about you. You'll never be happy.
With the time difference between the eastcoast and westcoast. When you air travel from east to west. You literally are time traveling to a time that you already experienced.
To help prevent teen pregnancy. High schools should hand out a C.D. of a crying baby instead of comdoms.
If you don't know them personally. Don't take what they say personally.
Most teenagers are treated like children. But are expected to act like adults.
People don't notice the things that you do for them untill you stop doing them.
Salt and sugar look the same. Be careful who you trust.
They say when you're looking for something you lost. It's always found in the last place you look. Of course it is. Who would keep on looking for it?
Smile at the people who hate you. It makes them wonder what you're up to. :)
Money may not buy happiness. But it take the sting out of being miserable.
Be the reason someone smiles today
If you lend a friend some money and you never see them again. It probably was worth it.
The reason people like dogs is because dogs wag their tails instead of their tongues
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