@gnarleycharley Funny Status Messages
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has 12 episodes of A&E's "Hoarders" recorded on his DVR and he just can't throw any away.
Urban Outfitters clothes size exchange rate, XL=94 pound 5th grader...
checked in to a hotel and I asked if the porn channels could be disabled…She replied “Sick-o”!!!
or Sir Gnarles just got his invitation to the Royal Wedding today.... Damn snail mail...
thinking about handcuffing himself to Billy Graham for Saturday's rapture...
has been sitting outside with a cooler all day and has not seen one Veloc-raptor....
hunting is the only sport where you get to eat your opponent.
Dear Jäger I think we need to stop seeing each other...."Maybe we have too much in common. We are too much alike." If the phone doesn't ring, it's probably me....
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