@aquintinsmith Funny Status Messages
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I looked at the guy standing next to me in the check out line and said, "At what point in your life did you decide it was okay to wear light pink socks?" He answered back, "I do one load of laundry a week, how about you?

I am passive aggressive, mostly to myself, but I think I can wait it out and it will get better.

The deep freeze of winter has finally arrived. It's that time of year when most women and Bruce Jenner say thank God for padded bras.

If you lived in Mountain View CA you wouldn't need the internet you can just stop by Google and ask them questions in person.

Life is about what you do after the knock happens.

I once thought I would become a vegetarian because of how much I loved farm animals, then I realized how much I loved farm animals and there is no way I would become a vegetarian.
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