MTQ Funny Status Messages
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Labor Day, when we briefly pause from demonizing unions to enjoy mattress sales in their honor.
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09-05-2011 05:51 by MTQ
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All hot women should be seen in 3-D. That's my apartment #. 3-D.
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09-05-2011 11:02 by MTQ
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I met a farmer who genetically altered a chicken to have six legs so his kids didn't fight over the drumsticks. I asked him how it tasted. He said he didn't know. He couldn't catch it.
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09-05-2011 16:10 by MTQ
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The Doctor advised me to eat more spinach. He said it'd put color in my cheeks. Who wants green cheeks?
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09-07-2011 14:01 by MTQ
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My girlfriend thinks that I'm a stalker. Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet.
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09-11-2011 06:14 by MTQ
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Vini, Vedi, Velcro... I came, I saw, I stuck around.
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09-12-2011 09:35 by MTQ
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A guy from the Saw Mill runs to the Doctor. He screams, "Help me, Doc! I just sawed off all my fingers!" The Doc says, "Calm down, we can reattach them, where are they?" "I AIN"T GOT EM!" "How come?" The guy goes, "I COULDN'T PICK 'EM UP."
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09-12-2011 18:43 by MTQ
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No matter what I do, I cannot get any kudos from my girlfriend. If I walked on water she'd say, "What, you can't swim?"
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09-13-2011 08:17 by MTQ
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3 Tampons are walking down the street, Maxi, Slim, and Ultra. Which one says "Hello"? None, they're all stuck up c**ts!!!
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09-13-2011 10:55 by MTQ
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Where are all these hot women in actual real life that I see on facebook?
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09-21-2011 03:28 by MTQ
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Man, I could go for some mechanically separated chicken right about now.
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09-21-2011 12:01 by MTQ
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Q.) What's the speed limit of s3x? A.) 68 because at 69 you have to turn around.
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09-23-2011 18:50 by MTQ
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I had a terrible dream last night. I was a baby and Dolly Parton was my mom and she bottle fed me.
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09-24-2011 09:57 by MTQ
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How many alcoholics does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to hold the bulb, and one to drink until the room starts spinning.
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09-24-2011 19:36 by MTQ
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Facebook has Peter Principled. It has risen to its own level of incompetence. The cracks are in the foundation. It's doomed. Remember MySpace? Come to think of it. Neither do I.
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09-25-2011 18:11 by MTQ
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If you plan on meeting someone on facebook who has no pictures on their profile page. A word of caution. Better you should bury your face in Rosie O'Donnell's a$$ for 6 hours, than hook up with that monster.
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09-26-2011 11:23 by MTQ
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I have a toothache. Sorta. Some chick with loose teeth was giving me skull and bit me. There's a bicuspid implanted in my c*ck.
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09-27-2011 07:45 by MTQ
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Just once, can you get the weather forecast right, weather fuc*ers?
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09-29-2011 12:44 by MTQ
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Please stand on your head now. Hurry. 370HSSV 0773H
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10-01-2011 10:27 by MTQ
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All this time I thought Bi-Polar was big white bear with no sexual preference.
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10-08-2011 13:06 by MTQ
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