gay jeffrey Funny Status Messages
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If I had a chainsaw, that would be my answer to everything
Alternate universe where all the nerds were bullied by the musicians in high school and the jocks protected them. That's where I live
Dear son, Another hard year on the farm. Father had a stroke, bills are piling up. Are you famous on facebook yet? We are proud of you! -mom
we can be friends or we can be spiders
Ladies, please. Enough with the fighting. I have plenty of tentacles for everyone.
I've accepted every email offer I've ever received. My p3 Nis is now 235 feet long.
Bought a shirt with three wolves on it. Agressively seeking high fives from strangers.
I enter a talent show. The judges say I don't have the right stuff. I pull out Tom Wolfe's 1979 book "The Right Stuff." The crowd goes wild.
*Lance begins to cry. Oprah leans in* I think what you need Lance is a....performance enhancing hug
Tarantino sounds like a brand of frozen pizzas
Please stop praying for my grandpa you are making him too strong. He broke out of the hospital & cops say their guns don't work on him
You look me in my eye and tell me that I don't have what it takes to be a Cyclops.
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