MIKE m Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon The Laker's championship rings were so huge that Justin Bieber was seen court-side wearing one as a choker. 
←Rate | 10-28-2010 12:20 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Nothing says "My boyfriend is a cholo!" quite like a hickey.
←Rate | 10-31-2010 13:31 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Many of you have asked what my ex-wife looks like. Just look up in the sky tonight... she's the one on the broom.
←Rate | 10-31-2010 20:44 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why does the news always tell you about the "fun" massage parlors AFTER they're being shut down for prostitution? Dangit!
←Rate | 11-09-2010 09:37 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Every morning after my coffee I use the skills I learned while taking Lamaze classes: Breathing techniques, and timing the contractions.  
←Rate | 11-12-2010 10:00 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Do yourself a favor and stay off of a scale for at least a month! Trust me...
←Rate | 12-29-2010 08:45 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon If normal is a relative term, then why aren't my relatives normal?
←Rate | 12-29-2010 09:03 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon When deciding which self-checkout line to stand in, I don't look to see how many items they have, I look to see how intelligent they look.
←Rate | 12-30-2010 16:23 by Mike M Comments (1)  

   messageicon The hospitals are running low on plasma and need donations. Apparently people bought more TVs for Christmas than they expected so they need to make more.
←Rate | 12-31-2010 00:13 by MIke M Comments (0)  

   messageicon What I miss most about having kids in diapers is that there was always a constant supply of diaper rash cream for the mornings after I ate Mexican food.
←Rate | 01-07-2011 19:57 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon You know you've been facebooking too much when you're watching TV and you try to unfriend a channel. 
←Rate | 01-09-2011 19:30 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon The doctor handed me a referral note to see a specialist. I looked at it and said, "And I'd like you to see Mrs. Anderson, my 3rd grade teacher... she did wonders for my handwriting!"
←Rate | 01-12-2011 08:53 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon My ex-wife was spending to much at the nail salon every month so I had her declawed... which later I was greatful for during the divorce.
←Rate | 01-20-2011 08:19 by Mike M Comments (4)  

   messageicon Seismologists are nothing but a bunch of fault finders...
←Rate | 01-30-2011 07:43 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear 5 HOUR ENERGY ®, Some of us work 8 hours. Sincerely, A None-Government Employee
←Rate | 01-31-2011 19:58 by Mike M Comments (1)  

   messageicon When you love someone you check and recheck and then check again to make sure it's them you're sending a text to.
←Rate | 02-10-2011 09:35 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hello Mr. Monster Truck tailgating me with your superbright halogen headlights... I can make my break lights brighter... wanna see?
←Rate | 03-15-2011 09:56 by Mike M Comments (1)  

   messageicon I'm thinking of converting my car to steam power. I think if I actually burned the $1 bills I'd get more bang for my buck.
←Rate | 04-14-2011 15:36 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Rough draft for fb: If men were as flexible as dogs, wives would make their husbands wear cones or they'd never go to work.
←Rate | 04-21-2011 15:53 by Mike M Comments (0)  

   messageicon Remember that whole "Look both ways before crossing the street" thing? Well that also applies to picking your nose at a stop light. I just got totally busted when I looked at the guy on my right, pointing at me and laughing...
←Rate | 05-09-2011 10:07 by Mike M Comments (0)  

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