Canadian25 Funny Status Messages
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If there are 3 Apples on the Table and Jamal takes 2 Apples. What colour is Jamal?
Chasing the American Dream does not count as excercise
Science Question: How do stars die? Drugs normally
My wife said, "You always blame everyone else when things go wrong" I said.."And whose fault is that?"
cakes 66p Upside down cakes 99p
Nudists need to be exposed for what they are.
What do you get when you toss a ball into a cage full of monkeys? NBA
My wife is like a tree She falls down after being hit repeatedly with an Axe.
Privacy is very important to me. That is why I only share sensitive information with my closest 480 friends on Facebook.
Her: "Ugh! Let me tell you about m......" Me: "Is my zipper down?" Her: "" Me: "Then why is your mouth open?
Who makes the sandwiches in a lesbian relationship? Neither, they both eat out
I'm having a problem with sexual harassment at work. There isn't any.
Why did they introduce women into the police force? To keep the streets clean
When a girl is in love, she offers sex. when a guy wants sex, he offers love.
I got stopped by a lady doing a survey today. She said, "What household chore annoys you the most?" I said, "Having to turn down the telly to tell my wife to do the hoovering."
Subway: Where women make sandwiches for men without complaining.
You can meet 10 girls, mess with 9, talk to 8, laugh with 7, run behind 6, like 5, go out with 4, get used to 3, care about 2, but only love 1.
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