Sully Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon It's so sad that Leonard Nimoy didn't live long enough to find out what color that dress was.....
←Rate | 02-27-2015 16:19 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I burn 95% of my calories removing gray and unwanted hairs from my head, face, ears and nose and the other 5% flipping people off while I'm driving......
←Rate | 11-14-2013 11:11 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon smoking a blunt with Justin Bieber.....
←Rate | 01-08-2013 10:04 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Maybe this Mississippi flooding is part of the rapture thing? Has anyone thought about building an ark???
←Rate | 05-18-2011 07:42 by Sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon So lets be clear ...we have the McRib, Kim Kardashian is single and the NBA is back? Black Guys are winning.........
←Rate | 11-26-2011 07:30 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I was feeling a little under the weather. But surprisingly, I got down from my desk chair and I felt better? It must have been the high altitude.....
←Rate | 10-04-2012 15:19 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't care about gay marriage or the confederate flag. I care about Beer.... Is it 5 o'clock yet?
←Rate | 06-26-2015 15:25 by Sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'd like to Jack Bauer this alleged Saudi suspect....
←Rate | 04-15-2013 20:29 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon That incredibly relieving feeling when you have to fart after having the man flu for 4 days, and its only a fart!! Fart roulette.......
←Rate | 01-12-2013 19:43 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Does anybody no CPR in Miami? Lebron James is doing the International choking sign again.....
←Rate | 06-04-2012 11:39 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Excited to try this new Starbucks Nigerian Ebola Blend this morning....yum yum
←Rate | 07-31-2014 11:49 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I ever get into road rage again, and the person gets out of their car. I'm going to run them over under the Tony Stewart act..... Just saying
←Rate | 08-10-2014 16:17 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Red Cross called and asked if I could donate to the Huntsville, Alabama floods. I told them that I would, but my garden hose only reaches to the end of my driveway....
←Rate | 01-12-2012 07:51 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I hope Casey Anthony's punishment involves cleaning the children's ball pit at McDonald's......
←Rate | 07-05-2011 14:09 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon What if April Fools day doesn't really exist and it's actually the longest/greatest prank the world has ever seen......?
←Rate | 04-01-2014 09:15 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon True Fact: The Shamrock Shake at McDonald's taste like leprechaun vomit, and it makes your turd green..........
←Rate | 03-17-2012 13:04 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon My hurricane tip of the day: if you live in the Northeast, OMG HURRICANE COMING PANIC......
←Rate | 10-28-2012 09:54 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon HURRICANE Tip: Make certain to create a giant "X" with duct tape on all your windows to alert neighbors you are an idiot.....
←Rate | 08-26-2012 05:01 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Lord, please forgive these gas prices, for they know not what they do to my pockets...
←Rate | 02-21-2013 12:46 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon The East Nile virus is apparently not as deadly or notorious?
←Rate | 08-27-2012 14:08 by sully Comments (0)  

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