Funny Status Message #83697
X is I went to google and type in "let it snow" and snow started falling. So I typed "let it rain" and the strippers started falling to the floor.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 156898 Only in SC, would they close schools, universities, libraries, and declare a 'state of emergency' for snow that other states would consider to be a 'snow dusting'. I'm sure Boston would love type of snow that SC has that melts before noon.
- # 43974 Im so FU***ing tired of this snow that I just ripped all of my kids possessions (books , Comforters etc) that have any type of reference to SNOW WHITE... yeah..F**ck her too!
- # 32201 thinking what is this world coming too?... I started to Google "Is it wrong", when Google started to fill in the suggested searches... Ah... well.... disturbing
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