Funny Status Message #80933
X *Logs onto FaceBook and reads* 5 song lyrics, 2 people telling what they're doing right then at that very moment, 3 stupid pictures of food or funny faces, 4 attempts at a witty remark, 1 truly funny witty remark, and a person who likes 75 pages.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 208211 It is sad that jokes about Brandon are about the only witty things some people ever say. Even then, it isn't even that witty since they apply to both of the latest presidents.
- # 80554 Dear New User; Facebook is a revolutionary platform. Don't bring your Twitter tendencies here. Here you are either funny and witty or you go back to Twitter.
- # 26654 everyday I worry my friends are going to find out that I am not so witty and funny and the status wall will come crumbling down
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Funny Facebook Statuses