Funny Status Message #57122
X is instead of that daylight savings crap why dont we just move the clock ahead an hour every friday at noon so we get outta work early , then on sunday move the clock back an hour at like 3AM so we can sleep that extra hour .

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 208539 I'm not turning my clock back an hour on Nov 1st because seriously none of us need an extra hour of 2023.
- # 36159 if a girl cheats on her bf tonight, then sets back her clock, it won't count because your reliving that hour w daylight savings and the universe cancels it out
- # 49482 Instead of turning my clock ahead an hour tonight... I'm gonna turn my clock ahead about 6 hours. I will wake up feeling refreshed thinking I slept in late but still will have a full day ahead of me... WINNING!!!!
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