Funny Status Message #209356
X says If the president-elect (Donald Trump) wants Canada as the 51st state, we’ll send him a box of Snow, Poutine, and Free Speech to remind him we’re better off up north.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 26664 Canada has never made and weapons of mass destruction. We don't need them. Canada has poutine and Justin Beiber. If we make our enemies eat poutine and listen to some Beiber cds, we'll do more damage to thier arteries and eardrums than WMD's ever could.
- # 209357 Canada, the 51st state? Sorry, Donnie, but we’re too busy sipping Tim Hortons and enjoying universal healthcare to join the circus.
- # 25650 if you have a two-four or a sixty-pounder then come up here to Canada cause we could always use another hoser to party with, we'll have some poutine and maybe we'll even catch a beaver if you're lucky eh? HAPPY CANADA DAY!
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