Funny Status Message #155033
X says Dear Santa don't drink the milk at Bill Cosby's house!!!
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- Related Status Messages:
- # 180867 I know it's early..but I often forget things, so I've just written my letter to Santa, warning him not to drink the milk at Bill Cosby's place!!
- # 205234 Every time I drink flax-milk I remember my college roommate who used to put powdered milk in his milk so he could drink "more milk per milk"
- # 40979 Santa does not get milk and cookies at my house. Beer and pretzels it is. I figure after several million gulps of milk and enough cookies to cause a diabetic coma, a beer would be refreshing.
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Funny Facebook Statuses
Thursday February 23, 2017 @ 01:54 AM
Runee, I would define your "L" post with the word &qo;c;Lutky"u. Lucky you have met the wolf,lucky you weren't hurt by it,lucky you were prepared and quick enough to get the shot. :-) Great picture!