Funny Status Message #135963
X has Dear teenage me, It's the future. no flying cars but you will write jokes on a telephone.. No don't kill yourself, it's actually pretty fun

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 167605 ... They should remake "Back to the Future." This time have no flying cars and just have everybody standing around staring at their phones and getting offended at everything.
- # 165945 They should really considered remaking "Back To The Future 2" where there aren't any flying cars. And people just stare at their phones all day getting easily offended to everything they read....
- # 21327 -- My girlfriend pulled up a chair earlier and said..... "We need to talk about our future."..... I said, "Yeah, it's gonna be f***ing mental - we'll have flying cars, shiny silver suits, holidays on the moon!"...Needless to say - I'm now f***ing single !
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