NYC Commute Photo blog
Posted by TJ on Monday January 8, 2007 @ 09:54 PM
[Tags: personal, travel, photos]
[Mood: blah]
So I have a pretty interesting commute to work. I drive from Westchester NY to NYC about 4 times a week to go to my clients. A couple days ago I decided to take pictures along the way and will share them here. Now the pictures were taken by me while I was driving so do not expect great quality or even that interesting...

Here is where I start out, Westchester avenue in Purchase. Not the cloudy skies :/

Here is NYS newest monument along side the Hutchinson river Parkway. A cell tower that suppose to look like a tree but looks more like an over obtrusive cell tower.

If you can see the fog that is the George Washington bridge.

Now were on 9A, this is where you would usually hit traffic, but none today...yay!

Random image of the West Side parkway...

The A-rod parkway is on the list of NYS parkway names too...

This truck must of made a wrong turn somewhere.

My next car is going to be a helicopter

Chelsea Piers

This is where I get my Oil Change
Car Wash + Vacuum + Oil Change + Free Parking = $30
[Tags: personal, travel, photos]
[Mood: blah]

Here is where I start out, Westchester avenue in Purchase. Not the cloudy skies :/

Here is NYS newest monument along side the Hutchinson river Parkway. A cell tower that suppose to look like a tree but looks more like an over obtrusive cell tower.

If you can see the fog that is the George Washington bridge.

Now were on 9A, this is where you would usually hit traffic, but none today...yay!

Random image of the West Side parkway...

The A-rod parkway is on the list of NYS parkway names too...

This truck must of made a wrong turn somewhere.

My next car is going to be a helicopter

Chelsea Piers

This is where I get my Oil Change
Car Wash + Vacuum + Oil Change + Free Parking = $30
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