
GPS Stupid : Three cars struck by train at same intersection in separate incidents.
Posted by TJ on Wednesday January 14, 2009 @ 10:36 AM
[Tags: news, local, humor]

GPS Stupid is when people place too much reliance on their GPS (Global Positioning System) and do not rely on common sense when driving.

To give you more of an idea let me tell you about an intersection with a train crossing in my home. In the past year there have been three incidents where a train hit a car because they got stuck on the tracks. In two of the incidents the drivers admitted that they turned onto the tracks because their GPS told them too.

The intersection is located in Bedford, NY on Green Ln just before the entrance to the Saw Mill River Parkway:

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Incident #1: 1/3/08 GPS mishap caused Bedford Hills train-car crash - NY Journal News

Incident #2 - 9/30/08: Car GPS blamed for train accident ABC News

Incident #3 - 1/9/08: Driver whose car was hit by Bedford train: Signals were late (appears non GPS related but same intersection)

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