
Update to status message page
Posted by TJ on Thursday September 18, 2008 @ 02:10 PM
[Tags: tjshome, facebook, myspace]

The status message page has become pretty popular. I figured since Facebook has eliminated the condition that status messages start with "X is" a long time ago (Myspace never had this provision) I would finally eliminate the restriction from my site. So you can now add your favorite status messages that start with additional prefixes like "x was","x has","x was", or the favorite "x ".

I had originally held up on making this change because I felt removing the "x is" start would lead to more erroneous submissions that do not fit the definition of a status message (the status message should give you some idea of what the author is doing) I currently remove about 90% of submissions because they are either unoriginal, not a "status" message or contain vulgarities. But hopefully by adding more prefixes it will lead to more of the original and funny status message submissions that makes Tjshome the best source of status messages on the internet.

Check it out:
Status Messages

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