@viektorious Funny Status Messages
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Women who keep complaining that All guys are the same should tell us something - Who asked you to try them all?

I am quite offended that Prince William didn't lift up the baby like they did Simba in Lion King.

And the person you'd take a bullet for is the one pulling the trigger.

Sometimes its funny how the person you wana catch the grenade for is the one throwing it at you.

I never got the expression "complete idiot". Ermm....Is there an Incomplete version?

Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows. They must still be using XP.

I'm a member of the C.S.I.: "Can't. Stand. Idiots."

The owner of this bar is arguing with me that Mourinho is a better manager than Wenger. I just had to remind him that "the customer is always right Sir"

Thinking of the best status to post and nothing funny comes to mind so just pretend this is the funniest status you've read today. - Management
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