abbybaby34 Funny Status Messages
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Telling me to calm down is the only guaranteed way to piss me off.

If you shut off the Internet in the US, we'd overthrow the government within hours.

You're so annoying you should just wear a shirt that says "I'm sorry."

Hey West Coast, it's the East Coast. We checked it out for you, and today isn't worth getting up for. Go ahead and sleep in.

They should make Jack Daniels chap stick

if you are reading this status between 7AM and 5 PM--Get a Job!! OR-- Get back to WORK!!

AbbyBaby Kurt New pregnancy test for black woman was just released on the market. Insert banana in vagina, then remove after 10seconds. If banana is half missin, there's another monkey on the way!!!

“Even in a happy relationship, it's seems to be possible to have a wandering eye or even crave affection from another person.
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