Moon Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Last year my New Year's resolution was to loss 30 lbs and now that we're about to ring in another New Year I'm happy to say that I've only got 40 more pounds to go!
←Rate | 12-31-2019 23:04 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear Mark Zuckerberg, All I want for Christmas this year is fonts.
←Rate | 12-16-2019 16:26 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's Sunny!! Which is kind of like a "It's snowing!" post, but better because it's sunny and not snowing.
←Rate | 12-11-2019 13:19 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I think I might have spent a quarter of my life just staring into the refrigerator.
←Rate | 11-30-2019 01:31 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon If where you live doesn't have numbers on it you really need to address that.
←Rate | 11-29-2019 22:29 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Men are NOT pigs. Pigs are gentle sensitive and intelligent animals.
←Rate | 10-23-2019 14:52 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon You know you're a classic VW owner if your friends always ask to borrow tools when you stop by because they know you're carrying them with you.
←Rate | 10-21-2019 08:54 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon These post apocalyptic movies are just not factual. I mean how can everyone be wearing leather when there are no cows?
←Rate | 09-25-2019 04:09 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Wish there was a way to turn horrible books back into trees.
←Rate | 09-01-2019 08:53 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon A friend is typing..... A grand is typing..... A friend is typing..... A friend is typing..... A friend is typing..... Friend says lol
←Rate | 08-13-2019 08:22 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I just want to be as happy as the characters in any horror movie are during the first half hour of the film.
←Rate | 07-31-2019 04:40 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Shout out to the guy in the Beamer who gave me the finger for honking and waving at him. Your cell phone is on the roof of your car!
←Rate | 07-22-2019 12:08 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Thanks to Facebook me and my friend's can now send each other invites and make plans months in advance like we're going on an expedition to the upper reaches of Mongolia to get together for a cup of coffee.
←Rate | 07-17-2019 21:50 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Coming out can be hard as people don't understand our way of life and can be very close minded, but I feel in this day and age I can no longer be afraid to say I love Disco!
←Rate | 07-11-2019 19:50 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I just burnt 550 calories without doing anything. And that's the last time I look at Facebook with pizza in the oven!
←Rate | 07-06-2019 14:32 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just want to wish all my single friends out there a very happy Independence Day!
←Rate | 07-04-2019 09:06 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Now it's too hot out to take the Christmas lights down.
←Rate | 06-28-2019 19:49 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Whoever designed my new phone that uses power to light up, beep and shake on and off for 15 minutes or so before it dies should be fired.
←Rate | 06-28-2019 02:22 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon When I was a kid, selfies used to be called narcissism.
←Rate | 06-17-2019 11:06 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Like this status if you're the type of person who likes to carry all your groceries into your house in one trip, but then realize at the front door you have so many bags in your hands you can't get the keys out of pocket.
←Rate | 06-16-2019 14:59 by Moon Comments (0)  

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