Jitney Funny Status Messages
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Who else proofread something after they posted? Oh so I'm the only one......
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09-04-2012 13:33 by jitney
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I hate it when the cashier asks me a stupid question like. "Are you buying all of these?", "No B!@tch!!, I'm stealing, just wanted to show you first!"
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09-08-2012 15:56 by jitney
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Finally got a kiss at my favorite spot......Thanks Herseys!
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09-08-2012 16:04 by jitney
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I hate when I'm at a restaurant, and they ask me, "Would you like a table?" , "No not all all, I came here to eat on the floor B!@tch!!!"....."Carpet for 3 Please!
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09-08-2012 19:42 by jitney
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Spiderman isnt the only one that gets sticky hands after using the Web all day...... If you know what I mean ;)
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09-08-2012 20:28 by jitney
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Kayne West....made a song about Gold Diggers and now wants to marry Kim kardashian
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09-11-2012 10:12 by jitney
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Today at work the Boss asks me to start my presentation with a joke, On the 1st slide was a copy of my paycheck!!
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09-11-2012 11:40 by jitney
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Dr. Ruth, the world renowned sex doctor says, dont focus on the sagging, or the belly fat, or the wobbly neck, focus on the sensation after the age of 50.
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09-12-2012 15:35 by jitney
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Someone tell Doctor Ruth, pass the me the beer and alcohol!
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09-12-2012 15:38 by jitney
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you can learn alot from health Channel news. Just found out teens are now smoking nutmeg spice, potpouri, and incense as a subtitute for weed. Wondering if there's a business opportunity here....
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09-12-2012 15:55 by jitney
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tried to kill a spider by drowning it, but it looked at me and asked, "Where's the soap?"
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09-14-2012 17:57 by jitney
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How about they make a film that makes these ppl give us free oil?
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09-14-2012 18:02 by jitney
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Instead of thinking outside the box, why dont we get rid of the box?
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09-30-2012 15:43 by jitney
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True Story: Seeing a car set on fire with no doors at 12 midnight outside your miami house window is a sure sign KuKluxKlan has been doing some recruiting.
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09-30-2012 15:47 by jitney
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I met a Spanish man with a Rubber toe......his name was Roberto
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09-30-2012 18:09 by jitney
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So did anybody catch X-factor? That BIG BIRD looking chick was singing , more like squacking! guess her future on the line too.
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10-04-2012 00:26 by jitney
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What doesnt kill you......seriously disappoints me!
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10-14-2012 17:02 by jitney
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Me and BIG BIRD, going down to Sesame Street to see if we can buy the moderate a lie detector.
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10-16-2012 21:24 by Jitney
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Its weird how Wall street was up and running like nothing happened, ....Oh my bad, I forgot....TeamRich&Wealthy with 2 or 3 homes flew or boated in to work.
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11-01-2012 01:44 by jitney
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I know it Halloween and stuff, but A white bronco just pulled up and threw out 2 bodies and then sped off really fast.....(Ö_Ö) on the lawn
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11-01-2012 01:47 by jitney
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