Jitney Funny Status Messages
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Dear Customer Service: When are all of your representatives NOT assisting other callers?
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07-15-2012 17:21 by Jitney
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A Woman's Football League would only be interesting to me if its raining and the uniform are white.
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07-15-2012 19:42 by jitney
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Dear paranoid ppl who check behind their shower curtains for murderers, if you do find one, what's your plan?
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07-17-2012 13:56 by jitney
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I never responded to your foolishness because I still have what you don't want me to have!
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07-19-2012 16:05 by jitney
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Nothing Screams "You're stuck in friend's Zone" like when she tags you as her brother on FB
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07-31-2012 03:14 by jitney
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Either I'm seriously drunnk or gas prices are high again.... I just got pulled over by a cop on a horse!
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07-31-2012 04:44 by jitney
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Micheal Phelps did it again......Smoke weed before swimming, got hungry and hurried up and swimmed to the Golden All-American buffett
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07-31-2012 13:12 by jitney
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Anyone remembers walking far away from your house just to see how good is your wireless home phone reception before it goes out?.....Man did those phones have good battery- life
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08-01-2012 15:00 by jitney
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I tried cooking with wine tonight, after five glasses, I forgot why I was even in the kitchen
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08-02-2012 01:33 by jitney
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Welcome to Chik-Fila, doesn't really matters what you all protest for, as long as you EAT MORE CHICKEN!!
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08-03-2012 18:19 by jitney
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No wonder, the Chinese took the medal in Table Tennis in the olympics....their use to seeing small balls going back n forth.
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08-09-2012 00:43 by jitney
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If only they had and Olympic event for Facebook, my FB friend would win Gold everytime in the Drama event..
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08-09-2012 13:40 by jitney
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How come i'm your best friend all of a sudden when you need money? but you dont remember when I needed a ride?
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08-12-2012 11:04 by jitney
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Since I'm sleeping on the couch, Switced my wife's alka seltzer water with red bull and 2 laxative pills, Since I'm sleeping on the couch !!!
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08-14-2012 02:20 by jitney
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Since I'm sleeping on the couch, Switced my wife's alka seltzer water with red bull and 2 laxative pills!!! Her shittz going to fly!
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08-14-2012 02:20 by jitney
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Government: Trickling Poverty up, so every one is Equal today......
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08-15-2012 16:39 by jitney
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I was going to pirate and record the Expendables 2, movie, but I fear Chhhhhuuuccckkk Norrrris was there
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08-18-2012 00:56 by jitney
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Im on my FACEBREAK!!!! - definition - a week break from FACEBOOK
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08-26-2012 17:01 by jitney
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Danggggit! Lets just put Louisana on Craiglist! Maybe the French can buy it back.
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08-29-2012 17:51 by jitney
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You ever posted something and before you can even proofread it there's like 50 million likes?
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09-04-2012 13:32 by jitney
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