Snotty Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Just paid 2 dollars in quarters to put air in my tire... This inflation is out of control.
←Rate | 12-14-2012 18:15 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon PRO TIP: If you post a pic of the temperature in your car on Facebook the University of Phoenix will email you a Meteorology degree.
←Rate | 03-25-2015 13:08 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon The brownies I started making in my Easy Bake Oven in 1987 are ready if you guys want one.
←Rate | 11-18-2015 17:43 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon You ever think that maybe the reason geese are always honking is because they're flying too close together?
←Rate | 03-27-2014 08:23 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Tuesday on 'Ancient Hoarders' - A concerned Jerusalem couple fights to save their son Noah from his spiraling animal collection.
←Rate | 11-11-2012 14:41 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon This bottle of beer is not only delicious,,,, It also contains almost 10% of my daily requirement of beer...
←Rate | 04-15-2012 15:15 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you put root beer in a square cup, do you get beer?......................... (you smart people grinned didn't you.)
←Rate | 07-15-2013 16:15 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Paris Hilton says that bees frighten her. I bet the rest of the alphabet does too.
←Rate | 09-18-2013 17:17 by snotty Comments (1)  

   messageicon I sent that "Ancestry " site some information on my family tree. They sent me back a packet of seeds and suggested that I just start over
←Rate | 08-17-2014 20:05 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon The road to Hell is paved with everything that feels like Heaven.
←Rate | 06-06-2012 07:35 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you love something,, let it go..... That's EXACTLY what I've done with my body....
←Rate | 09-30-2012 17:15 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon I have a black belt in leather
←Rate | 12-18-2012 11:38 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon It is unfair that girls mature faster than boys. Girls get their boobs at 13,, and men get their boobs when they're in their 40's
←Rate | 09-05-2012 08:26 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's ok if you don't like my personality,,, I've got others.
←Rate | 12-14-2012 20:13 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon If there's a sombrero on my doorknob it means I'm in my room eating nachos and don't want to share.
←Rate | 11-12-2014 17:03 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm wearing my pajamas and buying booze at 10 am on a Tuesday…Yeah,,I probably don't need a receipt
←Rate | 01-18-2012 20:11 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just think,,, 20 years ago my television set weighed 350lbs.. And my wife weighed 105lbs ...
←Rate | 07-07-2012 13:40 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon I took a nap... Well, actually I was jumping on the bed and the ceiling fan knocked me unconscious,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But still
←Rate | 11-12-2012 17:14 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey guys, just to let you all know I'll be closing my facebook account in three days... But in four days I'll be explaining why I didn't leave
←Rate | 10-21-2012 09:00 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon My winter wardrobe consists of my summer clothes layered on top of one and other.
←Rate | 10-20-2013 07:42 by snotty Comments (0)  

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