Aaron Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon She looked as if she had been poured into her clothes and had forgotten to say "when."
←Rate | 07-29-2010 19:40 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wear a ski mask to bed so if there's a home invasion the intruder will think I'm part of the team.
←Rate | 07-15-2015 21:21 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Am I getting older or is the supermarket starting to play some great songs?
←Rate | 09-05-2013 17:43 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon as Vice-President of Toyota I would like to say please dial 1800-our-bad.
←Rate | 02-04-2010 18:02 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon "In this same office, firing you." - Best answer to the "where do you see yourself in 10 years?" job interview question.
←Rate | 02-15-2011 11:47 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just tried to cook something from scratch and ended up summoning a demon.
←Rate | 12-24-2012 15:34 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon I hate people who say "Age is just a number" — Age is clearly a word.
←Rate | 11-29-2012 17:47 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Nice try speed bumps, it's a rental.
←Rate | 10-14-2013 20:42 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Those "Speed Enforced by Aircraft" signs don't understand how eager I am to get pulled over by an F-16.
←Rate | 11-01-2011 23:04 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I was a cab driver, I'd whisper "I could have kept you" to passengers before they got out.
←Rate | 03-10-2011 13:52 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Do fleas ever wonder if there's life on other dogs?
←Rate | 12-08-2010 23:32 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon I knew she was about to say something intelligent because she began with, "You once told me..."
←Rate | 05-05-2013 12:32 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Guess I better get some sleep. I have to get up in 10 minutes.
←Rate | 06-17-2012 14:38 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you take a trip around the world and calculate the different time zones just right, you can pick yourself up from the airport
←Rate | 11-01-2015 08:04 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon I was escorted out of the funeral before I was done high fiving everyone.
←Rate | 10-06-2010 12:09 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon The squirrels must be gathering nuts. Three of my neighbors have disappeared.
←Rate | 10-12-2010 11:30 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Theoretically if China went to the moon and knocked over our flag what would we do about it
←Rate | 09-05-2016 21:10 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sorry I hung up on you, I didn't mean to answer the call.
←Rate | 02-22-2015 15:02 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon someday i'll get that abacus. you can count on it
←Rate | 01-12-2013 13:58 by Aaron Comments (0)  

   messageicon The winds of change can blow me.
←Rate | 09-11-2016 13:37 by Aaron Comments (0)  

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