Moon Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon People who make their cars come to a complete halt on top of a railroad tracks to look both ways to see if a train is coming need to stop!....I mean go!
←Rate | 09-30-2020 12:39 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon My doctor says I need to cut back on my gluten. Over my bread body!
←Rate | 09-16-2020 00:51 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm so old I just sit around and look at Facebook all day.... like younger people do nowadays.
←Rate | 09-12-2020 22:25 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Love how I can remember the lyrics to just about any song written in the 70s but can't remember where I laid my car keys down last night?
←Rate | 08-30-2020 19:35 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon To end the coin storage let us all join together as a nation and dig into our couch cushions where we all should be sitting to help end the Coronavirus.
←Rate | 08-14-2020 12:47 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I deactivated my automatic spell checker on Facebook. Who I really didn't know in real life anyways.
←Rate | 08-07-2020 15:42 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon My Alexis doesn't always answer me when I ask you a question, and now I know why it talks like a woman.
←Rate | 08-07-2020 15:39 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear Facebook, Please stop showing me ads for dating websites as I don't think hooking up with a complete stranger hoping to mingle in the middle of a pandemic would be a stellar idea. Thanks!
←Rate | 07-31-2020 12:42 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Her: What sign are you most compatible with? Me: Krispy Kreme's hot and ready sign.
←Rate | 07-31-2020 01:50 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Maybe we should all start calling 2020 are lucky number and see if things might change!
←Rate | 07-27-2020 06:21 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I know how can cure the Coronavirus. Stop socializing! And you could give me the Nobel Peace Prize later thank you.
←Rate | 07-13-2020 08:01 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon The proverbial saying 'Rome wasn't built in a day' suggests that a complex task or great achievement that shouldn't be rushed and is a great excuse for procrastinating.
←Rate | 07-10-2020 14:27 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm so old when I was a kid the only kind of positive post we knew was on a car battery.
←Rate | 07-03-2020 07:34 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon For some reason I have a feeling that I might have told you this joke about Deju Vu before.
←Rate | 06-29-2020 12:36 by moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Everytime I see someone not wearing a mask in public that alternative Queen song that goes No mask on your face you big disgrace spreading your germs all over the place pops into my head.
←Rate | 06-13-2020 15:45 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I see NASA is planning a mission to find water on the moon and maybe I'll go someday if they find enough to make a decent cup of coffee with.
←Rate | 06-11-2020 13:39 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Do to the Coronavirus I have some concert tickets for sale, cheap! concert not included.
←Rate | 06-08-2020 15:55 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon I've come to the conclusion that my Alexa is just another pet by how often I have to tell her no every day.
←Rate | 06-03-2020 13:56 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Love when I take the time to type out a long text message to a friend and they reply with "K"
←Rate | 05-22-2020 20:49 by Moon Comments (0)  

   messageicon Looking at people posts I think facebook should change the status question from “what’s on your mind?” to “What’s your problem today!?”
←Rate | 05-20-2020 17:23 by moon Comments (1)  

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