migasjoe Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Money can't buy you happiness but I'd rather be unhappy and in a Bentley
←Rate | 07-06-2011 17:45 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon need to check my wifes license...apparently she changed her name to Princess without telling me
←Rate | 07-29-2011 18:02 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon the art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook!!!
←Rate | 07-06-2011 17:33 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon Got a copy of The Christmas Story today...I was surprised they edited the DVD down to 96 minutes...I always enjoyed the 24 hour version of the movie
←Rate | 12-18-2011 12:57 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon There have been more sharknadoes under President Obama than any other President...
←Rate | 07-30-2014 23:29 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon if ignorance is bliss then there are a sh#t load of people in paradise
←Rate | 08-24-2011 15:01 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon there are two types of people in the world; Those who know how to handle stress and those who need bail money
←Rate | 08-02-2011 20:33 by migasjoe Comments (1)  

   messageicon (last one I promise) - LaBron James will publish his autobiography as soon as he can come up with a TITLE
←Rate | 06-15-2011 17:35 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon told my son he should drink plenty of electrolytes in this heat, he responded by asking me if I drink beer for the electrolytes
←Rate | 07-19-2011 18:57 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon i'm not a vegetarian but I eat animals that are
←Rate | 07-29-2011 18:16 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon The main difference between fiction and reality, is that fiction has to make sense.
←Rate | 07-13-2012 16:38 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon There are two types of women - one with perfect make-up, great hair, sexy clothing, fresh nail polish, and incredible shoes . . . and one with kids!
←Rate | 02-01-2012 19:12 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon your greatest "Hello" and your hardest "Goodbye"
←Rate | 06-26-2011 21:05 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon DIET= Do I Eat That...
←Rate | 07-19-2011 21:30 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon I threw a shotgun shell at my daughter's date. ..then I told him it's much faster after 11pm
←Rate | 12-08-2013 19:16 by migasjoe Comments (3)  

   messageicon if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything
←Rate | 06-26-2011 21:05 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon Like nature and opportunities, when booty calls...I answer
←Rate | 11-16-2011 22:22 by Migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon attention Hot Women of Vegas...if you insist on wearing skinny, hot women clothes while visiting, please make sure you are, in fact, a skiiny, hot girl!!!
←Rate | 08-27-2011 15:32 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon time for those homeless people with will work for food signs to grab a shovel
←Rate | 02-23-2011 22:13 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

   messageicon Warning – Dates in calendars are much closer than they appear.
←Rate | 07-13-2012 16:38 by migasjoe Comments (0)  

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