Eddy Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon if I pay Netflix each month & choose to watch Star Trek, am I paying a DATA plan?
←Rate | 03-06-2018 23:13 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon 364 shopping days left
←Rate | 12-26-2011 00:13 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon time for all the bloodsuckers to come out again...not Halloween...election time
←Rate | 10-27-2010 21:41 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon ‎11/11/11....my calendar is speaking to me in binary
←Rate | 11-11-2011 01:06 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon when women want to be treated like a princess, they go looking for prince charming....they need to look for Mario....he will do anything & has a lot of extra lives
←Rate | 11-27-2012 22:00 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Girls fall in love with what they hear... Guys fall in love with what they see. That is why girls wear makeup, and guys lie!
←Rate | 01-27-2013 23:40 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon 90% awesome (i know its not 100% but I have more awesomeness than Taco Bell has beef)
←Rate | 01-28-2011 20:20 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Legos are practice for when you get older & buy Ikea furniture
←Rate | 08-13-2014 04:46 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon wondering if the new iphone 5 comes with some kind of food stamp app
←Rate | 09-28-2012 03:06 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon HAPPY HANGOVER DAY
←Rate | 01-01-2013 13:37 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon whats the difference between love & a sandwich? I'm great at making a sandwich
←Rate | 03-15-2013 14:32 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon everyone hopes for a happy ending...except inmates
←Rate | 04-20-2012 03:24 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't have any Emmys but I Have 2 Grammys ....they're both dead
←Rate | 09-18-2018 07:49 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon It looks like everyone wants Jon Snow to play NFL...he wont bend a knee
←Rate | 09-27-2017 04:48 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon hope the women don't sue me for lying about my length too
←Rate | 01-26-2013 04:21 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon parents dont need energy drinks...they already have monsters that keep them awake all day
←Rate | 06-26-2012 00:43 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon conficious says it takes many nails to build a crib but only 1 SCREW to fill it
←Rate | 03-06-2012 05:38 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon are we gonna hear it all day about the stupid date? ooohhhh the numbers are the same. all my cheerios are the same too but I dont tell everyone about it everytime it happens
←Rate | 12-12-2012 07:01 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon had a date tonight...& didnt need chloroform
←Rate | 09-20-2011 21:11 by Eddy Comments (0)  

   messageicon to the ppl thinknig facebook is really charging...send your payments to: (my name), Po box...
←Rate | 09-26-2011 01:24 by Eddy Comments (0)  

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