abbybaby34 Funny Status Messages
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5 out of 6 people enjoy playing Russian Roulette

When I'm sad I just sing, and then I realize my voice is worse than my problems.

You know those intense unexplained pains you get sometimes? You deserve those.

I've decided to get rid of my bad habits...just as soon as equally satisfying good habits become available.

Just saw two people together at a restaurant and neither of them were texting anyone. Weird.

Just texted "I still love you" to about 50 random phone numbers.

If it takes you more than an hour to answer a text message I will assume that you're dead.

They should make Jack Daniels chap stick

Calling someone "stupid" is mean. Unless they actually are. Then it's just a diagnosis.

Leaving me a 3 minute voicemail is unnecessary

Kinda feels weird when your computer asks if you'd like to continue unprotected....

I love hearing rumors because they tell me things about myself I didn't know before.

Smile. It's easier than explaining why you're sad.

When the I in "I love you" becomes more important than the "you," the word in the middle just fades away.

If you are ever wondering who is rapping in a song, just wait 4 more seconds and he'll say his name.

Thank you music, for being there when no one else was.

I wish memories were like text messages so we could delete the ones we dont like & keep the special ones forever.

I'm just like everyone else: I put my straight jacket on one buckle at a time.

There'd be less accidents if there was a texting lane.

When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country...It's a whole different way of thinking.
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