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   messageicon It was only after the other brothers of The Jackson 5 refused to let him join that little Samuel L. Jackson first became angry.
←Rate | 10-16-2014 19:36 by StonerDudee Comments (0)  

   messageicon Michael Jackson could do a very realistic Thriller video right now.
←Rate | 08-29-2014 15:11 by Baddie Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wonder if Michael Jackson doctor had anything to do with it
←Rate | 08-12-2014 08:23 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I am surprised no one has consulted Michael Jackson's doctor for advice on what drugs to use to for quick, painless executions.
←Rate | 07-30-2014 07:49 by M Comments (0)  

   messageicon can someone tell Andrew Jackson we read Snarkecards also
←Rate | 07-22-2014 11:00 by duh Comments (0)  

   messageicon K-Mart is noting the 5 year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death by having children's clothing half off.
←Rate | 06-25-2014 16:14 by Trax Comments (0)  

   messageicon My songs pants fell down last night and a hologram of Michael Jackson appeared
←Rate | 05-23-2014 08:38 Comments (0)  

   messageicon The Billboard Music awards was the other night and there was an amazing hologram of Michael Jackson. He performed a new song called "Slave to the Rhythm." It was so realistic, Tito actually asked it for money.
←Rate | 05-20-2014 20:02 by Mark M Comments (1)  

   messageicon It would have been more realistic if that Michael Jackson hologram last night touched a few little little boys in the front row.
←Rate | 05-19-2014 10:33 by ieatroids Comments (0)  

   messageicon What did Michael Jackson have in common with the Chicago Cubs? He wore a single glove on his left hand, but it served no real purpose.
←Rate | 04-24-2014 13:45 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I am a collection of unfinished songs Michael Jackson left behind.
←Rate | 04-20-2014 11:35 Comments (0)  

   messageicon How To Get Rich: 1. Place a Swear Jar next to Samuel L Jackson...2. Empty it the next day.... 3. Become a millionaire.
←Rate | 03-29-2014 20:56 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon what did Micahel Jackson Love about twenty five year olds........there was 20 of em
←Rate | 03-09-2014 14:09 Comments (0)  

   messageicon That was Samuel Jackson's first ever public appearance without saying "mother$ucker"
←Rate | 03-02-2014 21:06 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon 10 years ago, Janet Jackson's single nipple. Now I just saw all of the Red Hot Chili Pepper's nipples. Look how far we've come!
←Rate | 02-02-2014 20:24 by @boomtastic Comments (0)  

   messageicon So in other news...On his last night, Larry King will reminisce about some of his best interviews with people like Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, and Moses
←Rate | 12-05-2013 19:57 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't know about Samuel Jackson doing Capitol One commercials. Something about an angry black man asking what's in my wallet makes me very nervous.
←Rate | 11-15-2013 01:53 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Admit it. You're secretly hoping Samuel L. Jackson flips out and drops the "F-Bomb" on those Capitol One commercials.
←Rate | 11-12-2013 13:37 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Michael Jackson has been dead a long time but moonwalking still makes people uncomfortable at children's parties.
←Rate | 10-23-2013 05:15 by Baddie Comments (0)  

   messageicon Bo Jackson takes 5 hour energy?? Well, let me rush out and buy some even tho it tastes like horse pee...
←Rate | 09-10-2013 16:11 Comments (0)  

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