Jitney Funny Status Messages
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OMG.......If you go on Google's page, the Google loggo is blackout. The too buttons that are left is "Google Search", and "I'm feeling lucky". Unfortunately my project is due and I'm not so lucky. yeesh(-__-)
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01-18-2012 13:19 by jitney
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Hey would any of you would like to marry me for a minute? Better yet can all of you marry me? I wanna see if I can have multiple wifes on FB...
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01-18-2012 15:15 by jitney
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I'm so old, I grew up in an era where your 3D was a View Masters and you sit in the living room clickin about 15 slides. There's your Movie in HD and 3D!!!
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01-18-2012 22:28 by jitney
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If facebook gets shutdown will Tom send me my password from Myspace back?
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01-20-2012 11:16 by jitney
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When your clean you use SOAP, when your dirty you use SOPA.......
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01-20-2012 11:30 by jitney
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Just saw a pic of some light skinned black girls in thongs titled "Red Tails".
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01-21-2012 14:57 by jitney
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Fact: No woman has ever shot a man while he is doing the dishes!
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01-22-2012 00:42 by jitney
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Boy: "Can I buy you a drink?"..................... Girl: "Alcohol is bad for my legs"........... Boy: "Why? Do they Swell?".....Girl: "No, they spread."
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01-22-2012 00:47 by jitney
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As a kid, I use to talk to the fan so I can hear my ROBOT voices.
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01-23-2012 20:44 by jitney
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Because of KIAs recent recalls, the Raphamsters change their tune frm, "You can can with THis or you can with that" to "You can recall This, or you can recall That"
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01-24-2012 02:13 by jitney
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I hate it when random people calls me up and asks, "Did I call the right #?" ........"No buddy, you called the Left one!"
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01-25-2012 12:35 by jitney
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We can bailout Big Banks, but we can save an American Iconic Twinkie factory from going out of business??? Priorities People!!!!
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01-25-2012 17:40 by jitney
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They say you are whatt you eat, but I dont remember eating a sexy beast,.......hahaha
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01-29-2012 14:38 by jitney
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With all these Cops on the road, sometimes I pull myself over, just to avoid a cop from reading my tags.
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02-03-2012 17:30 by jitney
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Superbowl - what my wife eats cereal out of every morning!
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02-05-2012 04:16 by jitney
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Shouldn't those polar bears have diabetes by now???? #tooMuchCoke
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02-05-2012 19:23 by jitney
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Dog Commercials during the superbowl are the funniest. I'm going to sign my dog for acting classes. At least they be more greatful than those hamsters I sent, who drove of in my KIA.
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02-05-2012 19:51 by jitney
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Madonna got a bunch of So-U-think-you-can dance rejected contortionist, and circus animals, and that monkey on a Rope......Someone Shoot the monkey. Wait What da???.........
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02-05-2012 20:09 by jitney
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Its like a million Nicki Minaj snuck in at the SuperBowl show.....
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02-05-2012 20:10 by jitney
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1million bucks from the new fantasy game doesn't go far. gas alone gonna take half when you buy any car.
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02-05-2012 20:20 by jitney
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