Jen Briggs Funny Status Messages
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Life can be hard. Life can be fun. Life can be kind and life can be mean. Have the right attitude and life can be whatever you want it to be! Smile :)

An Interior Designer - who assures her "once it's inside, you will love it!"

I will be a good girl..I will be a good girl..I will be good girl. O hell, we all know that won't happen.

If you dont like me remember its mind over matter, I dont mind and you dont matter

I figured out why I'm so fat! The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says "for extra volume and body". I'm going to start using Dawn dish washing soap. It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove".

Friendships are wonderful adventures. They surprise and delight as nothing else can! Just when you think you know the person well, some new wonderful part of them presents itself. Enjoy your many friendships and treasure them for the gift that they are! T
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