Heather25 Funny Status Messages
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Alarm clocks. Because every morning should begin with a heart attack.
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12-07-2010 15:05 by Heather25
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A husband asks: Why do you weep and snuffle over a TV program and the imaginary sadness of people you have never met? Wife: For the same reason you scream and yell when a man you don't know makes a touchdown.
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11-15-2010 15:41 by Heather25
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I've given up jogging for GOOD! I realized it was hazardous to my health after my thighs rubbed together so much my underwear caught on fire!
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12-03-2010 09:30 by Heather25
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Why worry about the world ending today, Its tommorow in Japan.
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10-01-2010 14:40 by Heather25
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If I offend you in any way, please let me know so I can do it again.
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10-09-2010 19:40 by Heather25
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If anybody asks, I was on Facebook all night tonight, okay? Thanks for having my back, everyone.
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10-09-2010 20:25 by Heather25
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Teamwork is essential - it allows you to blame someone else.
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10-01-2010 14:34 by Heather25
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Yes officer, I did hit the pedestrian, but instead of dwelling on that why not focus on how many I've missed??
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12-03-2010 09:41 by Heather25
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Was always told to practice the Golden Rule-treat others like I wanted to be treated...so I spanked you and pulled your hair.
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12-03-2010 11:33 by Heather25
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bored of poking, can we have a spank button??
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10-20-2010 13:43 by Heather25
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not really rude, she just says what everybody else is thinking.
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10-09-2010 19:44 by Heather25
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anything more annoying then a stupid person who clearly doesn't know they are stupid!?
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10-11-2010 18:42 by Heather25
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For those of you who like to STIR THE POT..be sure you get a good grip on the handle!!
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10-11-2010 18:44 by Heather25
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Sometimes while I drink my coffee I stare out the window and ask myself "How many people am I going to cuss out today"
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12-03-2010 09:15 by Heather25
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Here's the best advice of the day: If you call a psychic and they don't greet you by name, HANG UP!!!
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12-07-2010 15:50 by Heather25
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I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth. ;)
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10-01-2010 13:31 by Heather25
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I'm tired of people seeing me and telling me they called me and I didn't pick up. "Yes, I remember ignoring that".
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10-25-2010 13:38 by Heather25
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wonders if there is a manly way to eat a banana??
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09-27-2010 03:58 by Heather25
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What pisses you off more? The fact that I don't need you in my life...or that you can't have me in yours??
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10-09-2010 19:37 by Heather25
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You know the economy is getting bad when the ice cream truck has a sign on it that says we now accept foodstamps, Visa and Mastercard.
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12-03-2010 09:23 by Heather25
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