CzovCzov Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon It's Friday, Saturday's less hungover neighbor.
←Rate | 11-11-2011 11:40 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Two chicks in one untagged Facebook profile picture? The account belongs to the ugly one.
←Rate | 11-11-2011 11:44 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon An Airline introduced a Special Package for Businessmen; “BUY YOUR TICKET AND GET ONE FREE FOR YOUR WIFE” After a year of great success, the company sent letters to all the wives asking if they enjoyed the free tickets. All of them gave the same reply
←Rate | 11-23-2011 11:19 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon A Women's work is never done because she's too busy telling a Man how to do his work.
←Rate | 07-17-2013 08:51 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Boy, they don't like when you go up for seconds at church.
←Rate | 10-25-2012 13:14 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Planning to take my relationship to the next level this Valentine's day but I couldn't find a store that sells wedding rings for cats!
←Rate | 01-15-2013 12:58 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon I bet bunnies would be super-stoked if we introduced them to salad dressing.
←Rate | 10-13-2012 13:53 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's a good week to get an Oscar but not a good week to be an Oscar.
←Rate | 02-25-2013 23:43 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon 90% of people who claim to have "come from the bottom" don't realise that they are still stuck at the bottom.
←Rate | 03-15-2013 00:49 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Companies and money-hungry capitalists are ruining Facebook with their advertising and snooping.
←Rate | 04-10-2013 01:30 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sex is awesome as long as you don't accidenatlly catch or create anything.
←Rate | 08-05-2012 09:23 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon ME: “I’m totally over my ex” VODKA: “We’ll see about that”
←Rate | 05-06-2013 13:25 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon "It's okay." - Women, right before they spend 5hrs telling you why it isn't ok.
←Rate | 06-20-2013 12:38 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon When a mosquito bites you and it dies of alcohol poisoning you're doing something right
←Rate | 06-27-2015 14:09 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm white but not "always bets against Floyd Mayweather and lose my money" white.
←Rate | 09-15-2013 13:55 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Drink until the bottle is emptier than you.
←Rate | 02-12-2016 01:30 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Only if some people knew how silly, stupid and ridiculous they look while holding a selfie stick...
←Rate | 03-09-2016 14:29 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Buy her a time machine, because women love bringing up the past.
←Rate | 03-02-2014 09:51 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon Cmon kid, do or say something funny already. Daddy needs a new Facebook Status Update.
←Rate | 04-16-2014 00:58 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

   messageicon “B*tch don't kill my vibe” – me talking to my phone battery.
←Rate | 04-20-2014 11:51 by Czovczov Comments (0)  

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