Kisstopher707 Funny Status Messages
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why is everyone working out? is there a war coming that I don't know about?
What's the dumbest thing you ever believed as a child? That people above 18 years of age are automatically adults.
I've watched Shrek every night this week and I still cannot find any clues as to how Donkey impregnated the dragon.
I still remember the time when I was working at a zoo and my boss fired me simply because I left the lion's gate unlocked, I mean who can steal a lion.
You'll install an anti virus on your computer but not on your kids?
Only resort to violence if necessary like if a coworker says "another day in paradise".
At my age, I still do dumb stuff, but only slower.
My kids can worship Satan all they want as long as they don’t listen to nickelback
DOCTOR: why do you think you need this medication? ME: I saw the commercial and the side effects sounded pretty awesome
Ladies; If he doesn't want to watch you masturbate he's not that into you....or girls
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