Snotty Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon If there's one thing I hate, it's self-loathing... If there's two things I hate, it's self-loathing and myself.
←Rate | 06-10-2012 20:08 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm saving all my good posts for when I can think of some.
←Rate | 06-10-2012 20:14 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon For as little as $1 a day,,,, You can feed a family of 5 ducks chunks of bread down at your local pond.
←Rate | 06-10-2012 20:16 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey guys, let's start a Ninja Club. First rule of Ninja Club is....wait, where the heck did everybody go?
←Rate | 06-10-2012 22:45 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon So sad that out of 200 countries in this world,, America ranks 35th in the world in math... But at least that keeps us still in the top 10%
←Rate | 06-12-2012 09:05 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon When you open your heart to someone, there is blood...... LOTS and LOTS of blood... And then you die. So don't open your heart.
←Rate | 06-12-2012 19:52 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Tip: To avoid butterflies in your stomach,,, don't eat caterpillars.
←Rate | 06-12-2012 19:54 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon This spider just got away from me because I made the classic villain mistake of telling him my whole evil plan before killing him.
←Rate | 06-12-2012 23:27 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Can someone please update my Facebook status for me. I had ravioli for dinner.
←Rate | 06-12-2012 23:32 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon STOP holding secret meetings about my paranoia!
←Rate | 06-13-2012 15:48 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Too many herbs have effd up my omelet.... If only I could turn back thyme...
←Rate | 06-15-2012 17:32 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon The world world be a cleaner place if we gave blind people brooms instead of canes
←Rate | 06-15-2012 18:23 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Honey-girl,,,,, your skirt is so short ,,,, your STD's are showing
←Rate | 06-15-2012 18:26 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Most Americans are overweight according to a study done by my eyeballs.
←Rate | 06-15-2012 18:31 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon OH NO !,,,,,,,,, I just realized I can't stop calling the addiction hotline....
←Rate | 06-18-2012 12:37 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon In the year is 2024.. Justin Bieber's cover of Mambo #5 has topped the charts for the past 10 years and has been declared the National Anthem.
←Rate | 06-18-2012 12:41 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon I Always carry $40,000 cash on me at all times,, You know,, in case I ever feel like getting a sandwich while I'm in the airport.
←Rate | 06-19-2012 07:49 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's been a while,,,,, Has Bono EVER found,,,, What he's looking for?
←Rate | 06-19-2012 07:54 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon My Cunning plan: 1. Go to the elephant house in the zoo... 2. Shout IS NOBODY GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM?.. 3. Elephant high-five
←Rate | 06-19-2012 13:58 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I ever go missing,,, I hope they put my photo on bottles of OCD medication, cuz you know those people won't stop looking.
←Rate | 06-20-2012 21:36 by snotty Comments (0)  

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