bigedusw Funny Status Messages
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There are many benefits of being fat over being skinny. Take Buddha, for instance, he was too heavy to be put on a cross, so they told him to just sit there, quietly.
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05-18-2012 20:08 by BigEdUSW
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Joke of the day: Two old women were sitting in church. One leans over to her friend and said, "My butt is asleep." Her friend replied, "I know, I've heard it snore three times already."
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10-27-2010 12:32 by bigedusw
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It is always seems to be "Enter some random family member" week or another. Who the hell makes up this schedule and where is it posted? I'm starting to think this crap is just made up.
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10-18-2010 20:13 by bigedusw
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Do you realize that in about 40-50 years, nursing homes will be filled with old ladies with tramp stamps over their butts? I don't want to even think about the piercings.
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09-15-2010 12:11 by bigedusw
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Little known fact of the day: The tooth-brush was invented in Eastern Kentucky. My guess is, if it was invented any where else, it would have be called a teeth-brush.
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09-14-2010 09:22 by bigedusw
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Some people like to "cuddle," some prefer to "spoon," I rather "spork" ..... think about it, it will come to you.
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09-08-2010 17:01 by bigedusw
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I'm thinking about making my own brand of beer and call it, "Responsibly." That way I would get free advertising from all my competitors. "Please drink Responsibly."
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08-03-2010 11:32 by bigedusw
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I predict that if, by 21 December 2012, the world doesn't end, there will be a huge baby boom in September 2013.
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08-02-2010 10:57 by bigedusw
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Given the choice between Parkinsons and Alzheimers, I would prefer Parkinsons. I would rather spill a little beer rather than forget where I put it.
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07-21-2010 10:19 by bigedusw
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Getting older sucks, I used to wake up feeling like a million bucks, but now its more like a bounced check.
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07-17-2010 08:56 by bigedusw
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