DeeX Funny Status Messages
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Did you guys hear about the new "Exorcist" movie? A woman hires the Devil to pull a priest out of her son. BADA BING BADA BOOM
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10-03-2012 11:11 by DeeX
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Man, I beat my meat like I just caught it breaking into my apartment.
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10-12-2012 10:50 by DeeX
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Everyone becomes an air drumming master 3 minutes and 40 seconds into Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight".
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02-20-2013 10:12 by DeeX
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Just saw my ex with her new man and had to smile because I KNOW there's not a place on her he can kiss that hasn't been coated by my man gravy. :)
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02-22-2013 18:28 by DeeX
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A friend of mine asked if I was coming to her wedding. I said no, I'll catch the next one. She's mad at me now.
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03-28-2013 10:58 by DeeX
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How can you be a "natural" bodybuilder if you're cramming your body with protein powders, amino acids, and all other kinds of supplements?
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03-28-2013 11:14 by DeeX
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I'm not sure if Internet p@rn has really ruined any relationships but I'm sure it's ruined some keyboards.
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03-28-2013 16:11 by DeeX
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Anyone else find it odd that on Star Trek, when they say "to boldly go where no one has gone before", when they get there, they always meet someone?
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03-30-2013 16:52 by DeeX
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I wanna go kick a pigeon.
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05-06-2013 12:32 by DeeX
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Pimpin' actually is pretty easy and I'm getting tired of everyone saying otherwise.
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05-20-2013 14:50 by DeeX
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can we PLEASE stop using the term “beast mode”? Unless you’re running around jungle, naked, stalking and killing animals with your bare hands and eating them raw, you’re NOT a beast, you’re just another douchebag lifting weights in the gym…tha
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06-02-2013 13:26 by DeeX
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Everyone else's plans for pretty weekends: "I'm going to the lake" "I'm hanging at the pool" "We're going to the park for a picnic" And I'm just over here like "I'm gonna eat a waffle."
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06-29-2013 12:02 by DeeX
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I think it's funny how women that love expensive things give themselves away for next to nothing.
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07-12-2013 11:33 by DeeX
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Everyones like "George Zimmerman this, no justice that" I'm just over here like, "I'm gonna eat a popsicle."
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07-13-2013 22:30 by DeeX
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Does anyone remember the "occupy wallstreet" movement? Weren't they supposed to have been a big deal and get something done??? Talk about fizzle out like a bad fart.
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07-16-2013 01:16 by DeeX
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Hey A-Rod, will you sign my syringe???
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08-06-2013 00:12 by DeeX
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Sweatin' like a Catholic Priest at a Little League game.
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08-09-2013 17:13 by DeeX
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THE POWER OF THE WINKY FACE: We need whipped cream. We need whipped cream ;)
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08-19-2013 13:46 by DeeX
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97% of women over the age of 25 who have "never done that before" have done that before.
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09-05-2013 11:27 by DeeX
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Music should come in 3 genres: music you fight to, music you f#@k to and music you speed to.
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11-27-2013 05:39 by DeeX
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