Funny Status Message #196562
X says Movie Theater Tip: When you go to a movie the first thing you need to do is pour a drink in the seat in front of you, so nobody can sit there.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 191359 Movie Theater Tip: When you go to the movies first thing you need to do is pour a drink in the seat in front of you so nobody can sit there..
- # 118062 When I see a guy standing alone in front of a movie theater, I just want to go up to him and say "She told me to tell you she's not coming."
- # 172395 I would rather sit in front of Pee Wee Herman at a movie theater while out on a date with OJ Simpson after having drinks at Bill Cosby's bar where they use Flint, MI ice cubes after taking an elevator ride with Ray Rice all while Casey Anthony babysits.
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