Funny Status Message #192901
X is I wonder what Mark Zuckerberg does to kill time?

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 74411 Steve Jobs know what I wanted before I know I wanted it!! Mark Zuckerberg thinks he knows what I want on Facebook, so he goes out and screws it up!!! Mark Zuckerberg, you are no Steve Jobs!! You are vision-less!!
- # 40110 How ironic. Mark Zuckerberg (facebook creator) is Time Man of the Year. And Facebook is the thing that takes all our time!
- # 185034 The misuse of users’ Facebook data has caused Mark Zuckerberg significant emotional distress. He asks that you respect his privacy during this challenging time.
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Funny Facebook Statuses
Friday June 28, 2019 @ 07:05 PM
He robs Hawaiian Natives of their land