Funny Status Message #180889
X is Buying Halloween candy to hand out as an adult, is like paying back for all the free Halloween candy I got when I was a kid.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 153959 When you buy Halloween candy to hand out as an adult, it's like you are paying for all the free candy you got when you were a kid.
- # 189770 Kids, here's how to get double candy on Halloween. Put on your costume. Then cover it with a sheet. Go to door the first time as ghost. Take sheet off go back again with other costume. Bam double candy. Happy Halloween.
- # 114410 All year I try to give candy to children and the parents start yelling "don't take candy from strangers!"Then Halloween comes around and you send the brats to my front door. Well I'm keeping my candy this time!
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