That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
you chase someone down the street, tap them on the shoulder only to realize its not who you thought it was
That awkward moment when...
the person in the cubicle next door farts instead of pooping and you strain yourself trying not to burst out laughing
That awkward moment when...
two pedophiles, both pretending to be kids arrange a meeting over Facebook and then meet up
That awkward moment when...
you are in the grocery store and someone is standing in front of the item you need, so you pretend to look at something else until they move.
That awkward moment when...
you wave at someone who was waving at the person behind you.
That awkward moment when...
you give a mint to a person with a horrible bad breath....they take it, then put it in their pocket!
That awkward moment when...
a debt collector calls your cell phone and you say ''He's not Here'' then you pretend to take a message for yourself
That awkward moment when...
The halfway through telling a story you realize it is pointless.
That awkward moment when...
you go on a blind date and the date turns out to be your ex
That awkward moment when...
you're talking to the person you're dating on Facebook chat and you've realized that you've made a typo after hitting the ''enter'' button.
That awkward moment when...
everybody is speaking a different language around you
That awkward moment when...
you run into an EX that you have purposely avoided and broke up with on Facebook.
That awkward moment when...
you realize the person you dating has always looked like that. You just never noticed cause you were whipped!
That awkward moment when...
you and a date just met and you already run out of things to talk about.
That awkward moment when...
a stranger asks to borrow your cell to make a quick call. No good reason to say NO, but in your head you're thinking of every excuse in the book. "Sorry, I work for the FBI and cant allow any unauthorized person to use my pho
That awkward moment when...
The Awkward moment when this random person waves at you, so you wave back and then you figure out they where waving to the person behind you
That awkward moment when...
You realize your finger broke right thru the toilet paper...
That awkward moment when...
awkward moment when a slut says she deserves respect.
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment when you reach 500 friends on Facebook only to realize the day after that someone deleted you.
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment is when everyone on Facebook changes their profile pic to a picture of their dad for Fathers Day.....and you see your fathers pic on someone else's status that you don't know!!