That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
You blink when the picture's taken
That awkward moment when...
your toys make 3 movies behind your back. - Andy.
That awkward moment when...
u think you found a tick on ur neck and you realize ur tugging on a skin tag
That awkward moment when...
you say "That awkward moment" when it really isn't an awkward moment.
That awkward moment when...
Never let em see you sweat. But if you suspect they notice you're sweating tell them how sexy they'll look naked on your bed. Then they'll start sweating over the awkwardness, and then you'll be even.
That awkward moment when...
I've reached that awkward time of day between "coffee wearing off" and "murdering my co-worker."
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment after the break up when your driving and the only radio stations you are left with are talk radio and Mexican polka.
That awkward moment when...
u see ur ex and his new girl and ur first thought is "damn!!! did I turned him gay?"
That awkward moment when...
\"Want a boyfriend for these cold winter nights\" ... Shut up you slut go buy a coat..
That awkward moment when...
Rocket scientists can't calculate where a sattelite will crash
That awkward moment when...
Sometimes I'll make an awkward comment just to break the awkward silence.
That awkward moment when...
your facebook friends dont pay any attention to your Photo you uploaded but yet ugly girls or girls thats not all tht pretty get the most attention not to metion we have the same amount of friends
That awkward moment when...
You Wake Up Before Your Friend At Their House And Have No Idea What To Do To Pass Time Until They Wake Up.
That awkward moment when...
the family picture is taken and your whole head is cut off
That awkward moment when...
you go to hug your boyfriend, only to realize that its his twin brother instead.
That awkward moment when...
the cops give you a cavity search in the street.
That awkward moment when...
you can see your work colleagues nipples and you don't know if you should tell her or just look
That awkward moment when...
awkward moment is when you mad and you go cursing someone out and you end up spitting on them!
That awkward moment when...
your p issing at someone's house and your p iss comes out in 2the streams: one in the toilet and one on the seat...
That awkward moment when...
Awkward moment #13: When you go to give someone a fist pound aka pound the potato, and they put their hand out to shake hands, in which you switch to shake hands at the same time they go to pound the potato. Repeat this 3 times.