That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
you cook a DiGiorno Pizza in the oven and nobody questions you about the delivery."
That awkward moment when...
you are the at the club and the white girl dances better than the black girl..
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment when you hear an ice-cream truck and run outside for your favorite treat before you remember you're a grown ass adult...
That awkward moment when...
you discover that one of your Facebook friends put your status on this site..
That awkward moment when...
awkward moment : That split second you find yourself pissing on the toilet seat because you thought it was already open ..
That awkward moment when...
she is wearing her apple bottom jeans, but she cant find her boots with the fur, and the whole club doesn't look at her
That awkward moment when...
someone sits in your seat
That awkward moment when...
you're leaving church and you realise your zipper has been down for the entire service
That awkward moment when...
You follow your boyfriend to a partyy & he ends up hanging around with your ex.LOL
That awkward moment when...
Your EX is you Doctor
That awkward moment when...
you lock eyes with somebody you know when shopping, and you both quickly turn away pretending you didn't see each other.
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment that you repost a status to this site and it wasnt funny even the first time.
That awkward moment when...
you're at the edge of glory and you fall.
That awkward moment when...
That awkward momment when you think you just saw a UFO and it turns out to be a freakin firefly.
That awkward moment when...
The awkward moment when you check your status back and the only thumb up is yours...
That awkward moment when...
you took an arrow to the knee.
That awkward moment when...
Chris Brown sees a hot chick and says "I'd hit that."
That awkward moment when...
Hitler looks at his gas bill.
That awkward moment when...
.. your p issing at someone's house and your p iss comes out in 2 streams: one in the toilet and one on the seat...
That awkward moment when...
you drop you cocaine in snow