That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
a zombie is looking for brains and walks right past you
That awkward moment when...
you keep talking & you don’t realize your friend walked away.
That awkward moment when...
you write 11/11/11 in the wrong order.
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment that you repost a status to this site and it wasnt funny even the first time.
That awkward moment when...
you aare about to bump into someone so you both go the other way and end up goin da same way for like 2 miinutes
That awkward moment when...
you're girlfriends brother, who lives in Canada, decides to hate you for no reason.
That awkward moment when...
you use the bathroom at a restaurant and another person walks into the stall next to thinking they're all alone, so they comment on how their vigina looks like a crime scene...
That awkward moment when...
your realize your parents are Pornstars..
That awkward moment when...
ur husband is sexting someone else.
That awkward moment when...
you get no likes coz nobody gets the intelligent joke you’ve posted
That awkward moment when...
you change your Facebook status to “single” and your ex `Likes` it.
That awkward moment when...
santa has the same wrapping paper as your mom.
That awkward moment when...
the very awkward moment when you slickly smack your booty call's ass at work and feel a pad..
That awkward moment when...
you throw a grenade at somebody you hate, and Bruno Mars catches it.
That awkward moment when...
You realize you have beeOh gosh! ur hands up in excitement and end up hitting ur male teacher in his chest.
That awkward moment when...
your facebook friends dont pay any attention to your Photo you uploaded but yet ugly girls or girls thats not all tht pretty get the most attention not to metion we have the same amount of friends
That awkward moment when...
u see ur ex and his new girl and ur first thought is "damn!!! did I turned him gay?"
That awkward moment when...
a ugly person says "man, I really need my beauty sleep" . . . and all you can think is what they really need to do is hibernate . . .
That awkward moment when...
a runaway car splashes mud at you in town n you pretend nothing happened
That awkward moment when...
your reading a "Choose your own Adventure" book and decide to go into the cave on page 87....Only to get killed by a naked hobo...