That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment on a first date when you have to poop.
That awkward moment when...
you try on some tight jeans and the Gangnam style songs starts to play...
That awkward moment when...
you met your ex with someone hotter than you
That awkward moment when...
You buy school supplies and realize your friend bought the exact same thing
That awkward moment when...
ur in church and you fart, all that goes through ur mind is=f*** what do I do!!f***
That awkward moment when...
you live at Trump Place, but are voting for Hillary!
That awkward moment when...
Donald Trump's wife proves she is an airhead by copying Michelle Obama's speech. SMH
That awkward moment when...
Thatr awkward moment when your visiting a foreign country and your Presidential Limo breaks down and gets towed away