That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
Barista: That awkward moment when the KKK is in line at Starbucks!
That awkward moment when...
your friend shows you his favorite music when it all stinks.
That awkward moment when...
I'm not sure which is worse, the pain of biting my tongue or the awkwardness of trying to get the bandage to stick.
That awkward moment when...
You take the blue pill and the movies over...
That awkward moment when...
John Roberts says there's no racism in America and Paula Deen's cookbook sales pick up after using the N-word.
That awkward moment when...
From now on, whenever I'm in awkward moment, I'll just yell out Omaha, Omaha
That awkward moment when...
I don\`t miss anyone from the past... not even me
That awkward moment when...
there's an earthquake in Harlem
That awkward moment when...
a GPS tells a gay guy to go straight.
That awkward moment when...
the movie title is said in the movie.. .
That awkward moment when...
you caught your father masturbating
That awkward moment when...
yourboyfriend spells your name wrong after 4 months
That awkward moment when...
you type ur ex's name on ur status bar when you really meant to type it on search
That awkward moment when...
you realize you've been mispronouncing a word yo whole life
That awkward moment when...
you're in Victoria's Secret, and they ask you to put your pants back on.
That awkward moment when...
People think you're weird because you like Steve Urkel.... the goofy Steve Urkel....
That awkward moment when...
you cry when being cained... but tears dont come
That awkward moment when...
You're having a bad day and someone asks "What's you name?" and say "Does it matter?!" and it turns out to be your crush...
That awkward moment when...
u find ur bf flirting with a pretty gal
That awkward moment when...
your friend types in on the search bar on youtube "Pink Panther Theme Song: Instrumental Version"