That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
you see way too many awkward moments on facebook.
That awkward moment when...
you've been sitting on the pot looking at your phone too long, and your butt falls asleep and you can't stand up.
That awkward moment when...
I tried starting a slow clap in the hospital after my mother-in-law died.
That awkward moment when...
The guy you have been dating for 2 months texts you the word "ho" instead of "hi"....
That awkward moment when...
your staring into a car with tinted windows... Only to see people staring right back at you..
That awkward moment when...
there’s a hair in your mouth and you can’t find it so you’re just grabbing your tongue, in public.
That awkward moment when...
two people start a conversation on YOUR Facebook status.
That awkward moment when...
Santa has the same wrapping paper as your parents...
That awkward moment when...
u open up a present and it's a bottle of penls enlargement pills =,(
That awkward moment when...
your sarcasm isn’t understood in a text.
That awkward moment when...
I remember laying there and waiting for Santa to come.... then there was that awkward silence as he got dressed and left.
That awkward moment when...
That very awkward moment when the doctor asks you if you’re sexually active… in front of your wife..whom you last slept with two months ago.
That awkward moment when...
the you get in the van and the old man doesn't have any candy.....
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment at the grocery store when you have to look at the product after trying a food sample.
That awkward moment when...
The awkward moment in a public rest room when you finish using the handicap stall and a handicapped person is waiting on you!
That awkward moment when...
u have long eye contact with someone whos really attractive, only cause its too hard to walk away from the mirror.
That awkward moment when...
you see someone wearing a skirt that looks like it could be a belt
That awkward moment when...
The awkward moment when the only thumb up is yours
That awkward moment when...
the an emo orders a happy meal at McDonalds
That awkward moment when...
the person in the cubicle next door farts instead of pooping and you strain yourself trying not to burst out laughing