That Awkward Moment When Messages... (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment when you post a funny status and there's that one person who ruins it by saying something serious.
That awkward moment when...
you're about to hug somebody sexy and then headbut the mirror..
That awkward moment when...
That awkward when a casino dealer hears that song "EVERYDAY I'm SHUFFLING"
That awkward moment when...
she catches you trying to take a picture of her, and you have to pretend to be texting someone...
That awkward moment when...
you see a vegetarian eating an animal cracker.
That awkward moment when...
you meet a car on the street the same make, model, and color as yours...
That awkward moment when...
you want to buy something, check the price and sadly, leave it there.
That awkward moment when...
I tried starting a slow clap in the hospital after my uncle died.
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment when your ex-wife is still friends with your family on facebook, and she puts up a post about how amazing her new husband is.
That awkward moment when...
you realize no one liked you're status 8 hours later
That awkward moment when...
your phone rings at a funeral....... And the ringtone is "I will survive"
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment wen 2 people talk to you at d same time n you dnt know who to listen to
That awkward moment when...
That awkward moment you go to say hi to someone and you realize they removed you as a friend
That awkward moment when...
santa has the same wrapping paper as your mom.
That awkward moment when...
your parents caught you watching porn.
That awkward moment when...
you aare about to bump into someone so you both go the other way and end up goin da same way for like 2 miinutes
That awkward moment when...
your sarcasm isn’t understood in a text.
That awkward moment when...
u open up a present and it's a bottle of penls enlargement pills =,(
That awkward moment when...
there’s a hair in your mouth and you can’t find it so you’re just grabbing your tongue, in public.
That awkward moment when...
you go to England for holiday because they speak your language, and you can’t understand a thing the cab driver is saying.