Paychex Sucks
1.) Some of Paychex representatives are not competent or do not care. I've seen instances where paychex failed to provide social security numbers for employees on Government filed reports. Getting a social security number is not hard to get for an employee and they should know better than to file payroll returns and W-2's with out this REQUIRED information. This lack of care leads to payroll tax notices the company receives and could lead to penalties. And it is hard to get paychex to handle payroll tax notices even if it is their screw up.
2.) Paychex 401k fees are high and absurd. I have 401k with them and they charged me almost 20% in fees on my contributions. They call the fee the "Mid-Atlantic Trustee Fee". Such a high fee is unexplainable and shows that they don't care about the end customer and only care about profit. If my employer didn't match my contribution I would need to earn >20% from my investments which is not plausible in most instances. Furthermore, no statements or account information I received from Paychex gives information on how this fee is calculated.
3.) Payroll Reports - Paychex payroll reporting sucks. They need a system where their reports can be export to .CSV or excel format (NOT txt or unicode) for easy file keeping and application into accounting systems.

Wednesday July 20, 2011 @ 03:16 PM
Yes. You are right. It is not a coincidence. Here is the God's honest truth. Paychex just doesn't care. If your company leaves, who cares? They will get another company to work with. Same idea with their employees. You leave, who cares? We will get someone else. There is a mass exodus of employees leaving for better jobs, or just walking out on the place.
Wednesday July 20, 2011 @ 06:39 PM
Joan - You might want to ask your employer to have their CPA file the W-2c. Waiting for Paychex while you have the IRS trying to collect is not a great idea.
Monday July 25, 2011 @ 08:53 AM
Paychex was told by the COO to re-instate my insurance, But they insist I owe that money- What a crock. You don't sell something and PUT IT IN WRITING, then 6 months later talk about a phantom letter, and say We raised our rates , you know owe since January....That's like buying this years car, then The Dealer writes you 2 years later- Hey Mr. Smith, since the 2014 just came out and its 9000 more than the 2011, You now owe us...Who the Frig is running that dung hole, OBAMA? I had enough,NO MORE MR. NICE GUY.
Wednesday July 27, 2011 @ 11:22 AM
I hate the Paychex reps in NJ , they don't know what they are doing.
Tuesday August 2, 2011 @ 03:31 PM
Neither do the Paychex reps in the Cleveland/Akron, OH area. I believe they all take stupid pills. If not, how does a company find so many inept employees. I know with the government, whoever scores lowest on a civil service test gets the job, but at paychex, one would think that they would actually hire people with a working brain.
Wednesday August 3, 2011 @ 05:26 PM
1.) Some of Paychex representatives are not competent or do not care. I've seen instances where paychex failed to provide social security numbers for employees on Government filed reports. Getting a social security number is not hard to get for an employee and they should know better than to file payroll returns and W-2's with out this REQUIRED information. This lack of care leads to payroll tax notices the company receives and could lead to penalties. And it is hard to get paychex to handle payroll tax notices even if it is their screw up.
2.) Paychex 401k fees are high and absurd. I have 401k with them and they charged me almost 20% in fees on my contributions. They call the fee the "Mid-Atlantic Trustee Fee". Such a high fee is unexplainable and shows that they don't care about the end customer and only care about profit. If my employer didn't match my contribution I would need to earn >20% from my investments which is not plausible in most instances. Furthermore, no statements or account information I received from Paychex gives information on how this fee is calculated.
3.) Payroll Reports - Paychex payroll reporting sucks. They need a system where their reports can be export to .CSV or excel format (NOT txt or unicode) for easy file keeping and application into accounting systems.
EVERYTHING ABOVE HAS HAPPENED TO ME IN THE LAST YEAR!!!!!!!!! Thank god it has happened to you too because I was beginning to think I was crazy!!!
Thursday August 4, 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Paychex Business Solutions are thieves and incompetents. They misrepresent what they can do for a company concerning insurance (the only reason to go with PBS). They are totally incompetent when it actually comes to doing payroll.
Right now, after I fired them for raising my health care coverage 54%, after only 6 months of service (they blamed it on Aetna.) they are holding employee's FSA money hostage. They will not reimburse these employees because the health service happened after they were fired. They are charging me service fees for their "service."
Finally an absolutely laughable mistake on their part except that I might in the end somehow be liable for it. They did not pay my PA withholding taxes for 2 quarters. What kind of payroll company neglects to pay taxes for their clients? Do not hire Paychex Business Solutions for anything.
I worked with Paychex, the real company for 20 years but the fact that they created Paychex Business Solutions tells me that their priorities lie only in making money - at any cost - and with absolutely no regard for integrity, honor or their clients.
Thursday August 4, 2011 @ 12:27 PM
Don't get me wrong, I am NO paychex lover. Never have, and never would work for paychex. However, do you really think that any payroll service bureau can just get access to your social security number? they cannot! They need to get it from your employer and YOUR employer is 100% responsible for giving the information to their payroll company. The payroll company can request that number multiple times and still never get it from the employer. Do you suggest that paychex or any payroll company for that matter go to your place of business with a bat and demand it? Seriously. Do you not get a pay stub aka written notification of your information each pay cycle? Did you not notice the information missing? why is it that people always want to blame others for their laziness.
Thursday August 4, 2011 @ 01:52 PM
[at]Really People - If a social security number is not entered for an employee, you can save the data in the Paychex system, it is a required field. As far as the info not being reported, well, the OP is spot on, Paychex filed local taxes for my company but failed to include employee names and SS#'s, it's been a nighmare trying to get them to fix the filing.
Thursday August 4, 2011 @ 02:15 PM
It is very simple, Paychex should not enter an employee in their system to pay them if they do not get a SSN from the client (like most payroll services do). If the employer wants to pay the employee and the employee wants to get paid they will provide the SSN. The SSN no longer shows on reports or stubs for security purposes so there is not reminder to the client or employee that it is missing.
Thursday August 4, 2011 @ 02:29 PM
So you don't get pay stubs with missing info on it? Always someone else's fault eh? Typical American attitude. How's about taking a bit of responsibility? Serious people. Come on. I really dislike Paychex, and a lot on here is legit, but a lot is just garbage.
Monday August 8, 2011 @ 10:48 AM
I'm all for personal responsibility but reports and paystubs do not show social security numbers anymore. Payroll services have the ability to capture and report to the client if a Social is incorrect or missing. Why Paychex doesn't do this I am not sure, other payroll services do provide this. It might be because they want to cut as many checks as possible because they charge per check. More likely it is because they just haven't written the interface with SSA or someone in their legal dept thinks it exposes them in some way?
Wednesday August 10, 2011 @ 09:19 AM
Paychex is my Payroll provider and entering the employee social security number is a "required" field. You cannot save the information if the number is not entered, therefore a person "cannot" be paid if a social security number is not entered.
Paychex is by far the most inept payroll company I have ever had the displeasure of using, but let's be ral here, don't blame them for user errors.
Friday August 12, 2011 @ 08:48 AM
Sounds like a lot of people do not like Paychex. How about giving ADP (me) a try? One price for checks - all inclusive. No charge for hires, deletes reports w-2, delivery. call my cell 772-696-0918.
Friday August 12, 2011 @ 10:15 AM
I'm sure ADP has a board just like this one :) u mad?
Friday August 12, 2011 @ 10:33 AM
ADP isn't as bad as Paychex, muscolini wasn't as bad as Hitler. Don't ever listen to a sales rep who will be nowhere to be found or completely powerless to help if you have a problem. Work with a local service.
Friday August 12, 2011 @ 10:58 AM
All Payroll Companies are made from the same pattern...different players in different locations...go local, make sure your in-house payroll contact is good, and your experience can be good with any of them.
Friday August 12, 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Paychex problems? In Atlanta area? I am looking for a few companies to work with part time. I would like to be their in-house payroll and maintain payroll, proof Paychex reports etc. I have a total of 24 years payroll experience, 13 at Paychex. Hire me as your contact person, I can help. I KNOW how and who to contact at Paychex to get your problems solved. cebpprice55[at]
Friday August 12, 2011 @ 02:18 PM
[at]Realist, well said!
Tuesday July 19, 2011 @ 09:43 PM
Just an update on my 7/13/2011 posts re Paychex's "two sets of books" routine with one amount reported to me on my W2 and a totally different (and much higher!) amount reported to the IRS and Social Security. A week later & nothing has changed. Paychex promised my boss a "detailed action plan" last week, but nothing received yet. Then on Friday 7/15/11 the rep (named Cindy Miranda) told my boss she'd get to work on my corrected W2 and have it to her by Monday afternoon. Oh, yeah, you guessed it... Monday has come & gone, now Tuesday has come & gone and still nothing from Paychex. From reading a few similar posts, I'm very suspicious of just what's going on with Paychex. Seems like much more than a simple error. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but something doesn't smell right. Anyone else out there with the same kind of problem?